Fairfax County's Best Bat Removal

We've been voted Fairfax County's best bat removal company the past two years!

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About Fairfax County Bat Removal

Welcome to fairfaxbat.com. We are the only qualified bat removal company in Fairfax County, Virginia. Having someone knowledgeable that you can talk to when you are experiencing a pest animal problem can be a great source of comfort, and all of our telephone teams are trained to help reassure you from your very first call. Whatever the type of pest animal you are dealing with, our team can help to discuss the signs that you have seen and give you an estimate of the cost of animal removal work, as well as offering practical advice on what you can do yourself. Because of the risks of moving around in areas where pest animals or their droppings are present, you should always be very cautious before doing this type of work yourself. One of our technicians can be with you within 24 hours, and they will have all of the equipment to be able to do this work safely. Whatever the animal species, from snakes to rats and from raccoons to bats in the attic, you can be confident that we can help you resolve the issue promptly. Bats are a particularly challenging animal to deal with, as they are so different in their biology to other animals that can be a nuisance. Nonetheless, our technicians are experts in this field, and will use exclusion techniques to swiftly remove the bats from your loft space or attic without harming any of them. Naturally, we can also carry out cleaning and building quality repairs to any damage caused, including safely removing soiled insulation and replacing it with new insulating material. We operate 24-7-365, so don't hesitate to call us at 571-347-9840 to discuss your bat problem and schedule a fast appointment.


We are experts at removing bats from residential properties. Whether you have a single bat trapped in your house, a colony roosting in your attic, and/or various other problems, there is no need to worry! During our removal process, we make sure to inspect your entire home carefully, tracking down all the entrypoints bats are using to invade your place. Next, we perform a process called live exclusion (where no bats are harmed and all exit your property), then seal all entry holes completely shut. We also take care of the cleanup process after, so your home is safe and clean!

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Besides residential areas, we also have a wealth of experience removing bats from commercial properties! We begin by investigating the area for possible bat entrances, covering holes even as small as 1/4 of an inch. Through our live exclusion process, bats leave the building through one-way exits, and we seal up every hole afterward. Once the bats have been removed, we perform a cleanup process. This includes dealing with guano, replacing damaged insulation, and decontaminating the place.

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Contact us for bat removal today!

What Our Customers Say

Where and How Does a Bat Sleep?

Whether you have bats living in your attic or are interested in learning about how these mammals living in the wild, it can be interesting to learn where and how bats sleep.

If you are dealing with bats on your property, learning about their sleep habits can help you better understand them, making removal and prevention easier.

Bats Are Nocturnal

You likely already know that bats are nocturnal. This means that they typically sleep during the day and come out at night. Although you may occasionally see a healthy bat out during the day, most bats that venture outside during the day are sick.

Bats typically start getting active at sunset. At this point, they will go hunt for food.

Ideal Sleeping Spots for Bats

In the wild, bats like to sleep in caves, rock crevices, cliffs, and trees. When living closer to humans, they also like to sleep in buildings, including homes and barns. They are particularly fond of attics, eaves, and other high-up areas. They will also sleep in woodpiles.

Bats have adapted very well to humans and also sleep on other man-made structures, such as in tunnels and under bridges.

Where They Hibernate

The bat species that hibernate typically do so in natural areas, such as tunnels and caves. That being said, it is also increasingly common for them to continue to invade manmade structures during hibernation.

Bats Sleep in Groups

Remember that bats are social creatures. This means that they typically sleep and live in colonies. These colonies can have anywhere from hundreds to thousands of bats.

Bats Can Fit in Tight Spaces

You should not think that a bat will not sleep in your attic or another spot of your home just because you don't think they can access it. In reality, bats can fit through incredibly small gaps. This means that as long as there is a small gap or crack giving access to your attic, it is fair game for a bat.

Bats Sleep Upside Down

The classic image of a colony of bats features the mammals hanging upside down and resting. This is odd for humans since we would not find this to be a remotely comfortable position. However, this is the most comfortable and relaxing position for bats.

The big reason that bats can sleep upside down is their small size. This makes it easy for their hearts to circulate their blood regardless of their position.

Another major factor is that bats do not have to use any energy when their claws clasp onto an object or keep hold of it. They have special tendons that keep their claws and toes stationary.

Essentially, bats just have to let their bodies relax and their talons will automatically hold onto the surface. The tendons in their talons clench thanks to the weight of their upper body pulling them down. Bats put in as little effort to hang upside down as humans do to lay down.

Quick Takeoff

The position that bats sleep in, hanging upside down, also makes it easy and fast for them to start flying away as soon as they wake up if they need to. Examples would be if there is food or a predator nearby.

Keep in mind that while birds lift up as they fly, bats' wings do not produce sufficient lift for them to get off the ground. Instead, they have to drop from a few feet up to start flying. Therefore, hanging from a height lets them start this drop right away.

Hiding Becomes Easier

There is also the fact that by sleeping upside down, bats can roost in areas that are typically out of the view of predators. This keeps them safe. As a bonus, most other animals cannot reach these roosting spots so there is less competition for them.


In addition to normal daily sleeping, some species of bats also hibernate. This is when the bats go into torpor or deep sleep so they can survive the coldest temperatures.

This can last up to five or six months, depending on the species, and in rare cases, it can last even longer. Their bodies can accommodate being upside down for this long without any problems.